Attack of the 50ft. Woman

Version: normal Produktionsjahr: 1958
Bildformat: 4:3 - 1.33:1 Disc erschienen am:
Sprachen: Englisch (Mono)
Extras: Commentary by Yvette Vickers and Film Historian Tom Weaver

One woman – 25 pairs of shoes?!? It’s impossible not to have fun with this all-time kitsch classic which, as fans know, is actually about a very big woman with a very bad attitude. The woman is wealthy Nancy Archer (Allison Hayes), fresh from the loony bin and ticked off. Her rat of a husband (William Hudson) has been at play while the feline’s away, putting the moves on Honey Parker (Yvette Vickers, Playboy’s Miss July 1959) and scheming about the day when Nancy’s fortune will be theirs. That day will never come – not after Nancy has an alien encounter that zaps her metabolism into overdrive. Soon, Nancy’s size matches her rage. She’ll prove big girls don’t cry; they get even.



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